Summer and early fall has one thing in common: rain. Maybe not quite so much in the Beehive state, but you go where your car takes you, and that can be everywhere in the summer and fall. 

Have you ever wondered how rain affects your cars' body? Here’s what you should know, and what you should do.

Rain Water

Rainwater isn’t inherently hard on your car, however, elements left on the car after the water has evaporated can be troubling. Dirt, dust, and other small particles can be left on the vehicle and give your car less shine over time.

Maintain and Protect your Car

Your best protection is to maintain your car with vigilance. A car wash following a few days of heavy rain is always a good idea. More is better. 

In addition, a good wax job and protective paint application will greatly reduce the possibility of damage. Hopefully, you won’t have to deal with rain-related car damage, but by following these suggestions you shouldn’t have to!

Malayalam motors Skoda is an authorized dealer of Skoda Auto in Kerala.
