It’s every driver’s nightmare; a car crash resulting from a split second’s lapse in concentration.

The consequences of distracted driving can be tragic sometimes. Distracted driving endangers not only those behind the wheel but also their passengers, fellow road occupants and  sometimes pedestrians.

Teen drivers are more likely than any other age group to be involved in a fatal crash where distraction was cited.

 Take a look at the top 5 causes of distracted driving for people behind the wheel.

1. Mobile Phones

Mobile phone use while driving is common, but it is widely considered dangerous due to its potential for causing distracted driving and accidents.

Texting while driving and other cell phone use while driving statistics show that this multitasking behind the wheel is becoming a life-threatening norm.

Talking or texting while driving or checking or sending social media posts takes eyes and brains off the task of driving that can be deadly for drivers.

So if you’re tempted to make or take a hands-free call, think again. It could kill.

2. Generally distracted

62 percent of distracted drivers are simply lost in thought, daydreaming and inattentive to changing traffic conditions. When drivers are lost in thought, they are experiencing cognitive distraction and may not react to hazards in time to avoid an accident.

Responsible driving means maintaining focus. Not only is it a courtesy to your fellow drivers, but it helps you to spot and avoid crazies on the road!

3. Adjusting Vehicle Settings

Two percent of distracted drivers admitted that switching radio stations or adjusting the stereo volume or vehicle temperature led to a fatal mistake.

When you go for adjusting something in your car, your eyes are usually taken off of the road. The reaction time increases greatly when you have to re-shift your focus and get the wheel under control if there was an obstacle you didn’t see in time.

Small or not, it can be the difference between getting in an accident and having a smooth trip.

4. Falling Asleep

One of the most dangerous moves a driver can do is to operate a vehicle when he/she is drowsy. Being tired can easily impair your sense of alertness.

Napping on the job is one thing but napping on the road is another. If you are too tired to stay awake then you are too tired to drive.

5. Outside person or event and Other Occupants

It’s difficult to resist temptation to gawk at off-road drama or post-wreck cleanup. Statistics prove that paying attention to things going on outside the car are the cause for roughly 7% of fatal crashes.

Five percent of distracted drivers are talking to or looking at other passengers in the vehicle. Teen drivers distracted by the antics of friends while joyriding or a mother distracted by two children misbehaving in the back seat can be a reason for a car crash.

Distracted driving is a dangerous activity that causes thousands of injuries each year and inflicts major financial consequences on drivers as well.

While you might have a greater awareness of the risks now, just remember that many people don't. So be safe out there.

Malayalam motors Skoda is an authorized dealer of Skoda Auto in Kerala.
